Who are you Thankful for this year?

2023 has been a rough year for everyone.

Layoffs. Hiring freezes. Restructuring.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a job seeker out of work, currently employed trying to upgrade your job, or just stressed out wondering if you’re next on the chopping block, 2023 has taken a toll.

That being said, there are only 2 things we can only control in life: our attitude and effort.

So how can we turn a negative year into a positive?

It’s the perfect time, being Thanksgiving was just yesterday, to reach out to some people and show appreciation to them this year.

I guarantee it will make their day, thus making your day, which will give you a little boost in confidence.

Doing this exercise is a great way not only making someone’s day, but a great way to start nurturing that network.

What better way to touch base with someone than to reach out and tell them how much you appreciate them? Timely and practical, right?

This can be current coworkers, current managers, current peers, mentors, etc. Or, it can be people you’ve previously worked with that had an impact on your career in some shape or form.

Remember, it’s all about the long game.

If you’re reaching out to a current co-worker, you never know where they end up 5 years from now. Maybe they find a better opportunity, and since you kept in touch with them, they can help refer you in.

If you’re reaching out to your boss, maybe it’s a great way to get facetime, so they put you on a visible project, bring you up the ladder as they move up as well, or start working on that EOY performance review.

If you’re reaching out to an old co-worker, let them know how they made an impact in your life. They’re likely in a better spot than they used to be in, and can potentially refer you somewhere.

So my challenge to you: reach out to at least 3 people (text is fine) telling them how & why you appreciate them, and how you’re thankful for them to be in your lives this year.

Touch base - let them know how and why you’re thankful for them - and build/nurture that network.

You’ll be glad you did.

Here’s who I texted yesterday:

1: Two Business Parters

There are two guys I partner closely with at work that have been a huge help building out my book of business.

This year has obviously been slower than what we are used to, but we still kept pushing, kept the foot on the gas, and in Q3 to date we’ve made up a ton of ground and will still finish with an outstanding year.

We also have kept each other level headed. When our biggest client went on a freeze Q1/2, we didn’t take the easy way out and sulk on ourselves. We motivated each other to find other places to bring in some new biz to hold ourselves over.

I sent them a note how thankful I was to have them in my life and I wouldn’t be where I was today without them.

2: My *indirect* Boss, my biggest mentor

I’ve posted a million times about my one boss, who was also my mentor, and brought me up along with him as he moved up the ladder.

While I don’t directly report to him these days, he always lends an open ear to see where I can improve, what I’m doing right, what I’m doing wrong, and introduce me to other people within the company.

Every time I call him he picks up so fast the phone doesn’t even ring.

Keep in mind, he reports directly into the CEO, so it’s not like he isn’t busy all the time.

I’m grateful I have someone like him in my life to help steer my career in the right direction.

3: Two previous co-workers

I’ve also posted about 2 previous co-workers, who were my mentors when I first started out.

One of them was in the biz for 15+ years at the time, and the other was in the biz for 5 years but where I wanted to be in the company.

Both don’t work at my company anymore, but I still keep in touch with them as there’s a lot we all learn from each other.

Plus, they’ve had such a profound impact on my life, I still take them out to lunch and dinner to show how appreciative I am of them, and that I owe my entire career to them.

It’s hard enough to get one top producer to help you out, but two?! I was a lucky guy.

They still help me when I call them about certain questions and scenarios - even though there’s no positive effect for them, even though we work at competing firms.

I’m so grateful to still have the privilege to have them in my life.


So, who are you thankful for?

Think of a few names, and send out a text. It’s still early, so it’ll be one of the first things they see. It’ll light up their day, and a great way to start thinking about building and nurturing them into your network.

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to network, you can schedule a consultation with me here.

Or, if you would rather navigate your own path but can use a little direction, you can find my job seeker’s ebook here on sale for only $9.99.

Happy thanksgiving everyone, and thankful you’re following along for the ride!


or to participate.