Let's Beef Up Your LinkedIn To Attract More Recruiters

Let's build your work experience on LinkedIn to mimic your resume to show up in more searches


Last week I wrote how to make a killer headline to attract more recruiters to your profile. It got a ton of great feedback, so we’ll ride the hot hand with the LinkedIn theme and providing visuals with what we see on our end as recruiters.

If you scroll through enough profiles on LinkedIn, you’ll notice that most people don’t have that section filled out fully. Most profiles just show company, title, and tenures.

Maybe they don’t want their employer to think they’re looking for a new job, maybe they feel like they’re bragging if they fill it out, or maybe it’s something else. That’s another conversation for another time.

But when you don’t fill out your work experience, you run the risk of not showing up in recruiter searches and/or getting hidden behind dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of similar profiles.

1: Searching by skills and boolean

Remember from last week - recruiters don’t use the same LinkedIn site you use as a candidate. We use a completely different platform called LinkedIn Recruiter that mimics a job board.

Therefore, your LinkedIn needs to mimic your resume if you want to be found.

We use keyword and skills searches to find people like you.

For example, a nodejs/reactjs developer in the greater NYC area:

Keyword search:

Skillset search:

2: You’re competing against literally thousands of candidates

Imagine you’re at the grocery store. The most valuable piece of real estate are the products that show up at eye-level to the consumer, because it’s the first thing the consumer sees, making it more likely for them to buy it.

We need to do the same thing for your LinkedIn Profile.

For those searches above, as you can see I’m looking for a nodejs/react developer. I’m also searching in the greater NYC area for people that are “open to work”.

With this search, comes over 66k candidates:

You are gravely mistaken if you think recruiters are going through even a dent of these profiles to cover our positions. We are finding 2-4 candidates per role. After we identify and submit those, this initial search is done.

So if you’re not filling out your profile, chances are you’ll be left behind in this pack.

3: Let’s look at a good example

This was the third candidate showed up. Spot on with what I’m looking for. As you can see, the work experience is built out to mimic a resume, and the keywords did their job helping him not only pop in my search, but as one of the first candidates.

Call To Action

  1. Make a killer LinkedIn Headline to help “stop the scroll” when recruiters search on LinkedIn

  2. Start filling out your work experience to mimic a resume

  3. You can definitely use the same bullet points if you want

  4. The main points are to get those relevant keywords in so you pop up in our searches

  5. Make sure to only put the keywords you’re actually experienced & knowledgable in

Voila! You’re on your way to get found by recruiters like me! If you made it this far, here’s a code for 50% off my job seeker’s ebook


or to participate.